Why Should I join MYMA?

Great question?

The Methodist youth Ministry Alliance is THE professional organization for those who work with youth in Methodist congregations across the United States, and around the world.

It is for those who are paid, and those who volunteer, those who focus on youth and those who wear many ministry hats around the church. MyMA has standards and guidelines that we adhere to, it represents us to the rest of the church and it provides resources for us to be the best we can be as we tend to the faith journeys of youth and their families.

There is no doubt that the work of MyMA is moving the church. Though its existence, MyMA helps to shape a culture of those committed to faith formation, and that culture is changing the way that faith formation is viewed in congregations, communities, and church-wide organization.

To put it simply: This is something we should have started long ago and if you do this work, you should belong to the Methodist youth Ministry Alliance.

We wish there didn’t have to be a cost to it, but the quality connections and resources we provide have a cost and we do our best to keep the costs low. Encouraging a church to make a small investment in their youth worker so they feel supported and empowered through MyMA has a far greater return than searching for another youth worker.

Belonging to MyMA is what makes all of this possible. If we don’t support one another, we all have less vibrant and fruitful callings. It would be very easy for us to stay in our siloed churches, but we believe in incarnational relationships and sustainably supportive ministries.

The Methodist youth Ministry Alliance builds bridges!

  • A web of support so that no youth worker has to live into their calling alone.

  • 4 (1 hour) one-on-one coaching sessions with a professional coach. A $500 value!

    • Additional coaching at the discounted rate of $25 per session.

  • Opportunity to join one of our quarterly cohort gatherings for guided conversations and peer support.

  • Registration discounts to events, retreats and trainings.

  • The MYMA Minutes - a quarterly E-Newsletter.

  • Discounts/exclusive offers from some of our partner organizations.

    • Other benefits that we hope to introduce in the next 6-8 months.

      • Access to our online resource sharing website

      • Access to the online MyMA Membership Directory

We are always happy to answer questions or receive comments through email