Journey Retreat
As always, a new year brings new students into our midst, and MyMA is planning another amazing Journey retreat this November designed with their unique gifts in mind at Forest Glen! We would love for you to join us as we spend a weekend having fun together and learning about our Wesleyan understanding of grace. This retreat is for Students entering Youth Ministry, whatever grade that may be for your churches context!
The dates for this year's retreat are November 8-10. Registration is now open, and the participant cost is $185.
Group Registration closes October 11, 2024.
Individual Registration closes October 21, 2024.
Our usual arrival time is around 7 PM on Friday evening, and we do our best to get everyone back on the road Sunday morning by 10 AM.
If you have any questions about Journey or any of the other opportunities MyMA is putting together, feel free to reach out to Eddie Erwin (President, Methodist Youth Ministry Alliance). We hope to see you at Journey this November!
Eddie Erwin